Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium into the bones of those who lack causes rickets Because of lack of calcium in bones, children cause rickets (rickets) in some countries to supplement vitamin D in milk, baby. Due to lack of sunlight, etc.
The role of vitamin D in preventing depression and heart disease, the study found thatOf the vitamin D deficiency. The incidence of depression. And heart disease overAlthough it is not known why. Have revealed that Mortality from heart disease decreased by 7% in patients receiving vitamin D on a regular basis. In children with asthma. More asthma symptoms in children with vitamin D deficiency.
Body to create vitamin D from the skin. When skin exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D is created. But the sun is more side effects such as burns or cancer should receive the morning sun light up to 20 minutes is enough.
There are a lot of vitamin D in certain foods such as salmon, egg yolks, milk with vitamin D. Patients in areas where the sun rarely. Suggest that vitamin D. Or add them food.People at risk
Vitamin D with high blood pressure, we found that in people with vitamin D deficiency.And high pressure. Chance of heart disease and died later.
Vitamin D and breast cancer, the study found that vitamin D deficiency. Will increase the chances of breast cancer. Spread over more than normal. Moreover, the study found.Vitamin D intake. Prevent breast cancer.
Vitamin D and other cancers. Have found that vitamin D prevent prostate cancer.Colorectal cancer is. However, the factors of vitamin D is also a secondary from other controls, such as exercise and weight control. And avoiding the cause of cancer etc.