วันศุกร์ที่ 3 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Candida Yeast Infection can happen to you and your family

An infection called, candida yeast infection, has the ability to affect all age groups and genders. You say, “But I’m clean!”

It does not matter. Babies often suffer from “thrush” or "diaper rash"; women suffer from “vaginal” infections; men suffer from “penis” infections; and older people suffer all of the above and more.

diaper rash-yeast infection

candida yeast infection

Ladies and gentlemen, a yeast infection does not discriminate in the least- it is an equal opportunity infection. It will grow almost anywhere on ones body. Moreover, this infection can spread to ones internal organs causing additional problems such as the following:

  1. Leaky Gut Syndrome
  2. Painful Body Rashes
  3. Acid Reflux
  4. Achy Joints
  5. Inflammation
  6. Yeast Infestation of the Lungs

vaginal yeast infectionIn addition, this kind of infection can interfere with your love life.

News Flash: A yeast infection can be transferred back and forth between partners, because the root cause was not eliminated.

Researchers suggest that the cause of this aliment is because of over-use of antibiotics and pregnancy, which causes a disturbance in ones hormones.

male yeast infection

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Let’s get started on learning how to solve the yeast infection equation.

